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TGW DISTRIBUTOR: automatic shuttle and mini-load systems

As a business partner of TGW, we have expanded our offer to include automated warehouses for large warehouses of the TGW company. TGW systems for warehouse storage and picking of mini-load boxes and cartons, as well as pallet stackers for solutions that provide warehouse logistics for a large number of items and the possibility of building a folding warehouse, often over 20m. The use of a comprehensive system minimizes investment costs, shortens implementation time, including by ensuring high quality storage and high production efficiency. For the most popular TGW configurations: TWISTER, MUSTANG EVO, STRATUS, COMMISSIONER and STINGRAY. TGW products are covered by very quick collection of cartons or containers, boxes and storage areas up to 6 m / s. One of the best transport systems, i.e. portable KingDrive roller, complete supplementation of the offer of storage systems and improvement of order processing in the warehouse with sorting materials and preparing them for dispatch.


  • storage of containers, trays and cartons, even 4 rows in one place
  • pallet warehouse
  • sorting and completing items for many order lines.



  • pharmaceutical and cosmetic
  • automotive
  • e-commerce, 3PL
  • fast-rotating products with high flows.

    Pictures: www.tgw-group.com


Energy-saving device for carrying boxes or cartons of various sizes. The TGW TWISTER device uses the latest technology, enabling direct and fully automated handling of cartons, containers and trays. TGW TWISTER is a flexible device that allows for extremely high storage density.


The TGW MUSTANG single-level order stackers (up to 25 m high) and MUSTANG EVO (up to 12 m high) easily adapt to all logistics needs, becoming the ideal mini-load with high load capacity and load capacity of up to 100 kg. Both stacker cranes reach speeds of up to 6 m / s and are designed for systems up to 200 m long.


The TGW STRATUS twin-mast stacker crane handles loads up to 300 kg. It can be equipped with 4 independent chargers. STRATUS can be used to power workstations on assembly lines. Particular attention should be paid to operational reliability, high efficiency and ease of maintenance.


TGW COMMISSIONER has been designed to provide very high performance and storage density. It is the optimal solution in the field of fast storage of goods and order picking. Thanks to energy recovery and lightweight construction, this machine is extremely energy efficient. Used to store loads up to 50 kg. Works at temperatures from -30 ° C to 40 ° C.


STINGRAY is the latest generation pendulum module designed for medium and very high bandwidths. The compact design of the rack and small spacing between loads in the rack allow for extremely high storage density. Shuttle transport is provided by highly efficient lifts up to 25 m high.

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