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Interesting facts about automated storage systems


of automatic shelving units

in one place in Poland


thousand m2

of saved space


operations / h

using Rotomat HSP High Speed ​​Picking solutions


kg / shelf

for LogiTower automated storage system

What are the advantages by implementing automated storage systems?

Below there is a list of benefits which are appreciated most by our customers

Space saving

Space saving

even up to 80% owing to the use of full-height of halls and measurement of goods height – very dense storage

Higher efficiency

Higher efficiency

Automated shelving technology is a modern way to optimise and improve storage processes.

Easy searching

Easy searching

articles can be searched by their number, name, ID, bar code and many others

Time saving

Time saving

simple and fast searching and picking goods, convenient location of shelving e.g. just at production

Access control

Access control

automated shelving units are closed, and only authorised persons may have access to them

Flawless identification

Flawless identification

shelving location indicators ensure flawless searching, fast picking and storage of articles

IT integration

IT integration

it is possible to integrate shelving with customers’ external information systems, from original to SAP, BaaN systems etc.

Protection against external environment

Protection against external environment

automated shelving protect the stored goods against factors such as light, dust, temperature, humidity, etc.



storage of various goods, adaptation to the existing conditions, easy expansion, quick movement, etc.



Shelving dispensing window is always at the same, comfortable height, and heavier shelves can be taken out onto special supports

Inventory control

Inventory control

all operations of picking and storing may be registered by the shelving control panel

ESD protection

ESD protection

shelving provides full anti-electrostatic protection during storage of e.g. electronics

Fast picking

Fast picking

easy and fast searching and picking of goods also on the basis of a task list from the outside IT system

Chain technology

Chain technology

proven chain technology, resistant to overloading, 2-3 times longer lifespan than of other technologies

High quality

High quality

high quality of our automated systems is confirmed by our Customers – we invite you to a reference visit



automated shelving innovative technology is an optimal alternative to traditional storage systems

Short return on investment

Short return on investment

optimal solutions for storing goods requiring controlled temperature and humidity

A wide range of applications

A wide range of applications

shelving units have a lot of applications, including in production, in UR departments, tool rooms, distribution, administration

Air conditioning

Air conditioning

optimal solutions for storing goods requiring controlled temperature and humidity

High speed version

High speed version

automated shelving in high-speed version can reach lift speed up to 2.3 m / s

Operation by the disabled

Operation by the disabled

automated shelving is also available in the version adapted for use by the disabled

Our Customers


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„Administratorem danych osobowych, czyli podmiotem decydującym o celach i sposobach przetwarzania danych osobowych, jest ISL Innowacyjne Systemy Logistyczne Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą przy ul. Skrajnej 3b, 31-331 Kraków. Informujemy, że podanie danych osobowych zawartych w formularzu jest dobrowolne oraz że przysługują Państwu prawa dostępu do danych osobowych, ich zmiany (w tym aktualizacji), a także pozostałe prawa opisane w Polityce prywatności. Dane osobowe podane przez Państwa będą przetwarzane przez nas w zgodzie z przepisami prawa, w celu realizacji usługi dostarczania newslettera i kontaktu handlowego, a jeśli udzielili Państwo określonych zgód – również na podstawie tych zgód i w celach w ich treści określonych. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z pozostałymi informacjami dostępnymi w Regulaminie i Polityce prywatności. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań jesteśmy do Państwa dyspozycji pod adresem: info@isl.pl."

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